These links provide a wonderful resource for consumers and ground water industry professionals. Several sites contain a wide variety of consumer articles about private water systems and ground water in general. You can even search for a well log through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources site.
Ohio Watershed Network: Know Your Well Water
OSU Extension has created a website to help drinking water well owners test, understand and protect their well water.
Ohio Department Of Health (ODH)
Information on the Private Water Systems Program; list of registered contractors.
Ohio EPA
Link to Division of Drinking and Ground Water
Ohio Dep’t. of Natural Resources
Well logs, ground water maps, info on Ohio’s water resources.
Ohio Water Daily
Local water news, opinions, and technical publications for Ohio Water Professionals
National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Ground Water (well) information for the public.
National Well Owners Association
Information relating to owning and maintaining water wells.
American Ground Water Trust
Protecting and promoting the importance of ground water.
Private Well
Consumer articles to help well owners understand ground water, water wells and water systems.
Ground Water Science
Information for all users of ground water.
Water Conservation Throughout the Home
Easy water conservation tips for the whole family!
Water Systems Council wellcare® Hotline
wellcare® information sheet to assist well owners in identifying technical problems with their private water wells.